Saturday, April 23, 2011

Outline-The Positive Effects of Praise

Chinese Name: 陳冠廷
English Name: Don
Major: Business Administration
Date: 05/01/2011

Outline-The Positive Effects of Praise

A.         Introduction
I.            Hook-do you know how praise can affect a person’s life?
II.         Thesis-Praise can make a person more confident, strong, and successful.
B.         Body Paragraphs
I.            How praise can make a person more confident.
                             i.                Recognition and appreciation
II.         How confidence can transform a weak person into a physically and mentally strong one.
                             i.                Confident people struggle to overcome difficulties.
                           ii.                Minds become stronger after overcoming challenges.
                          iii.                Strong minds make hearts stronger.
                         iv.                Strong hearts make body healthy.
III.       How a strong person can lead to a successful life.
                             i.                More willing to accept challenges-Gandhi
                           ii.                More willing to seek out help
                          iii.                More willing to try again and again-Dr. Sun Yat-Sen
C. Conclusion

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